ART CAMPS will run at our new venue: Randwick Literary Institute 60 Clovelly Rd!

Updated Oct 2021

Little Ginger Studio COVID-19 Policy

Little Ginger Studio is a children’s Art School offering educational experiences and child care. As such we follow the guidelines in DET schools & Child Care centres for guidance. This document outlines our commitment to ensuring the provision of a safe space for our community of teachers & families with effective risk management and hygiene practices in relation to COVID-19 transmission. This will be achieved by the following:

1)  Adequate Ventilation & Masks

2) QR code check in  & restriction of adults onsite

3) Vaccination & management of illness in staff or students

4)  Health, hygiene & physical distancing 

5)  Studio cleaning guidelines

6)  Studio classes guidelines

7)  Birthday party guidelines

8)  School holiday care program guidelines

9) In school after care programs guidelines


Our studio is 80sqm in area and we have a hospital-grade Air purifier with HEPA filter capable of purifying a space up to 90 sqm. This will be used in conjunction with natural ventilation and time spent outdoors (eg. during school holiday programs) to ensure there is no build up of harmful areosols including  Covid -19 in our space.

All teachers and adults that enter the studio must wear masks, except where not practicable when teaching.  Masks are recommended for primary-aged students in line with Level 3 safety measures in schools. Children aged 12+ must wear masks in the studio.


All adults will need to check in using the QR code for the Service NSW app IF entering the studio. Adults must be double-vaccinated if entering. Child attendees for birthday parties will also need to be checked in as they do not appear on our rolls. 

All classes are now drop off and parents are strongly encouraged to drop their child off at the door without entering the studio. We are allowed 20 persons in total (excepting staff) as per the 4 sqm rule.  Physical distancing is encouraged amongst adults.


All staff at LGS are double vaccinated against Covid-19 unless medically exempt. Employees are encouraged to refrain from working whilst displaying symptoms and will be asked to obtain a COVID-19 negative test result before return to work.

LGS requests that children & parents that show any signs of respiratory illness do not attend our classes. Anyone who is sick with influenza-like symptoms, even with mild symptoms, or has been overseas in the past 7 days, should not attend the studio. Children displaying such symptoms will be sent home.


Everyone that enters our studio must practise good hygiene to protect against infection and prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Good hygiene practices include:

  • Washing hands with soap and water for 20 seconds (see video), or using hand sanitiser, when
  • Entering school, and at regular intervals throughout the day
  • Particularly before and after eating, and after going to the toilet
  • For younger students, this may include having a regular handwashing schedule (a game could be
  • Developed for younger students to come up with a 20 second hand-washing song)
  • Covering coughs and sneezes with ones elbow or a tissue
  • Placing used tissues straight into the bin
  • Avoiding touching one’s eyes, nose and mouth
  • Not sharing food or drink

Further practices:

  • Staff and students will wash hands upon arrival and throughout day
  • Hand towels will be provided & disposed of in a similar fashion
  • Tissues will be readily available and disposed of in bins that are emptied each day
  • Students will receive a freshly laundered art shirt each class (worn art shirts separated & laundered each day)
  • Tablecloths will be washed after each use
  • Parents will use hand sanitiser upon arrival before sign in / payment procedures
  • Mobile phones & Square payment system to be cleaned frequently
  • Staff will monitor student behaviour to ensure children clean their hands at appropriate times, eg
  • After blowing nose
  • Staff will continually assess & action cleaning processes where needed (eg. if a child spreads
  • Droplets by sneezing or coughing, clean surfaces with disinfectant wipes immediately)
  • Staff will follow cleaning guidelines after each session
  • First Aid: Standard precautions will be adopted when providing first aid such as sanitising hands before and after providing first aid and wearing gloves. Hand sanitiser & gloves will be available in our studio First Aid kit.


After each class: (please note back to back classes count as 1 class):

  • clean and disinfect with bleach solution high touch areas: tabletops, doorknobs & handles, light switches, taps, soap dispensers, sinks & tops of chairs
  • clean art materials & equipment used in lesson eg: paintbrushes, textas, pencils etc.
  • clean play materials used: Duplo, drawing mirror
  • kitchen surfaces cleaned with bleach solution
  • bathroom surfaces & toilets cleaned with bleach solution - especially high touch surfaces
  • staff to use “LGS Post Class COVID-19 Cleaning checklist” each shift


Strategies to minimise risk, practise physical distancing (in addition to hygiene practices):

  • chalk marks on pavement outside studio to encourage physical distancing
  • only one parent to enter studio at a time for sign in and pick up
  • arrange furniture to leave as much space as possible between students gently encouraging students to maintain 1.5 metre rule
  • avoidance of some group activities that involve close proximity
  • taking care to minimise the\ use of art materials that are shared and cannot be adequately cleaned - eg. playdough, rainbow rice, soft materials or use of yarn
  • where possible, avoiding close-proximity queuing and encouraging increased space between students, for example by placing markings on the floor to line ups for hand washing etc
  • ensure students always wash hands before using shared equipment


As per Health & hygiene and Studio classes guidelines above with the addition of:

  • All parties are now “drop off” with no parents in attendance (except for birthday child’s family)
  • Customers are encouraged to avoid “share foods” when catering and instead supply individual “food packs” (LGS accepts no responsibility for the hygiene practices in food preparation & appropriateness of catering at parties, which remains wholly the responsibility of the customer)
  • Parents must drop their child off at the door rather than enter the studio
  • Customer are discouraged from blowing out candles on a  communal cake and are encouraged to supply individual cupcakes


The following strategies in addition to our regular Health & hygiene and Cleaning guidelines listed above:

  • programs will be designed to avoid use of shared art material that cannot easily be cleaned (eg. Yarn)
  • parents will be asked to sign in their children outside of the studio and will not enter the space. Students will be released one at a time at the end of the day as usual with no parents in the space
  • we will avoid close-proximity queuing
  • gently encourage physical distancing where practicable
  • enjoy our time outdoors even more than usual, and if possible undertake some art-making outdoors 
  • implement strict monitoring and policing of students eating habits and discourage food sharing
  • ensure students wash their hands effectively before and after eating
  • offer hand cleaning (sanitiser) before and after use of play equipment in public parks


When on school site, staff will:

  • Stay at home if unwell
  • Practise good hygiene as outlined above
  • Wash hands regularly and thoroughly (staff & students use hand sanitiser / soap when entering classroom and frequently during class)
  • Have hand sanitiser, soap, paper towels & tissues available
  • Maintain respiratory hygiene (cover cough & sneeze)
  • Avoid shaking hands
  • Maintain physical distance (especially adults)
  • Implement cleaning protocol for shared items (shared before use, cleaned between groups, disposed of if cannot be cleaned, cleaned if exposed to bodily fluids)
  • Use PPE where relevant (eg when providing first aid)
  • Keep the school environment clean. (All high touches surfaces wiped down with suitable cleaning product after class)
  • clean any school equipment with detergent and water or disinfectant at end of class
  • Bring own items for activities to minimise sharing of items 
  • Remove rubbish and empty bins when leaving site
  • parents cannot enter school ground for pick up - students to be walked to locked gate for pick up


  • students are to meet staff member at KN classroom directly after the 3pm bell (guided by classroom teachers)
  • students leave bags outside classroom
  • students clean hands with hand sanitiser upon entry / reuse when sneezing, coughing etc
  • students are not allowed to touch / play with classroom equipment
  • staff member will supply own activities to keep students engaged (eg. free drawing, large paper roll, games)
  • at 4:40pm staff member walks students to Gate 3 (Loch Maree st) for pick up by parents
  • 4:45pm - staff member returns to KN to begin cleaning & disinfection schedule of classroom: tabletops & chairs, doorknobs and handles cleaned & sanitised. All share art equipment to be sanitised after use. 
  • tablecloths cleaned and sanitised after every class
  • All art shirts to be laundered after every class
  • liaise with After Care program to have after care kids picked up by their staff at 4:40pm.


  • students are to meet staff member at KINDER STAIRS directly after the 3pm bell (guided by classroom teachers)
  • students clean hands with hand sanitiser upon entry / reuse when sneezing, coughing etc
  • students are not allowed to touch / play with classroom equipment
  • staff member will supply own activities to keep students engaged (eg. free drawing, large paper roll, games)
  • at 4:35pm staff member walks students to Frances st gate for pick up by parents
  • 4:45pm - staff member returns to KN to begin cleaning & disinfection schedule of classroom: tabletops & chairs, doorknobs and handles cleaned & sanitised. All share art equipment to be sanitised after use. 
  • tablecloths cleaned and sanitised after every class
  • All art shirts to be laundered after every class
  • OOSH staff collect OOSH kids at 4:40pm.